暑期到来,是学生们普遍盼望的事。但是暑期的到来意味了大量作业的到来,其中包括老师布置的暑假作文。许多学生能把暑假过的有滋有味,却不能把作文描写得活灵活现。为了方便同学们更好的完成老师布置的暑假文章,小编在出国留学网作文频道www.liuxue86.com 对全国历年优秀的暑假作文进行汇总,欢迎同学们前来参考借鉴。
i often go to see my grandma grandpa during my summer vacation.they are both seventy years old live in the country happily. summer view of the countryside is very beautiful. i can do many interesting things there. i am used to getting up early in the morning, breathing the fresh air,listening to the birds singing, enjoying the green trees, red flowers the river. i like fishing with my friends. when night comes, i sit under the tree with my grandma, listening to her telling me many funny stories. and i tell her some new things happening in the city. when i have to go back,i am always reluctant to go. i really feel happy living in the country.