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  The final exam was over, the winter holiday began, I went back home with the teacher assigned homework.

  I think, winter vacation homework is to do, also want to play to play, it is best to play enough to do the homework. But mom and dad said, do my homework and play to cross, is part of a homework every day to play again. I had to do. So, my life is spent like this: winter vacation homework, watch TV, play, and happy New Year.

  To do my homework, I am not consciously, total want to mom and dad push comes, I do. Do not to work so we have to ask mom and dad, they do not come, had to empty, ready to back to school asked the teacher. Besides a few do not didn't finish homework, most of the homework has been finished.


  Although I like sports, but I also love to read. Summer vacation, for an hour every evening is my reading time, I bought a youth version of the world famous, such as: les miserables, "Notre Dame DE Paris", "Robinson Crusoe", and "Jane eyre", etc. Also bought benefit life series, primary parts of the book, such as: let the pupils benefit from 100 inspirational story of the life, let the students benefit from a lifetime of 100 Thanksgiving story, etc.【作文网 zw.liuxue86.com】

  Of course, learning also cannot fall. Almost every morning for 2 hours to do my summer homework and extracurricular practice, with 2 hours in the afternoon in writing and reading English. Learning gap, sometimes I ride my bike, and sometimes skateboarding, sometimes look at gusu evening news, know about the events happened at home and abroad.


  After a semester busy learning, we finally ushered in the summer vacation. In order to have a meaningful summer vacation, I especially ahead of the summer vacation plans, hope I can complete according to the plan.

  My summer vacation plan is mainly divided into three parts. The first part is: finish the summer vacation homework. Before summer vacation homework because I have no plan, every time is close to the school before hurriedly catch up on my homework. Plan in this summer vacation I all do for an hour every morning and afternoon summer vacation homework, I believe the efforts of the two hours a day will make me high quality finish the homework during the summer vacation. The second part is: learn to swim. Can see other children in the pool before free swimming, I very envy, also learned last year, but he did not insist on, no society. This year's summer vacation, I'm going to night ok and dad go to swimming pool to swim, let my dad taught me, I also want to serious efforts to study. The third part is to help my mother do housework. Already in the sixth grade, but I also seldom help mother do the housework, every time the holiday at home are bustling about mother, I just play. This summer vacation, I help my mother do one thing must be at least once a day, reduce the burden of the mother.

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