

英语作文:My Idea of Family Planning

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2013-03-14 12:54




【 liuxue86.com - 英语作文 】


  family planning is the most effective way to solve the population problem the seriousness of which is often underestimated by us. quite obviously family planning has so far made little progress here on this island. at a time when half of the world is suffering from starvation poor health and a deplorably low standard of living we simply cannot take lightly the population problem if we don't control the birth rate right now we’

  ll surely lead a miserable life in the near future. illiteracy is perhaps the main enemy of family planning. countries, which share the highest birth rate such as brazil and india, are also those which share the highest illiteracy rate. people there don't even know what is "birth control." to me, the ignorance of family planning is a social problem. so we had better begin with social reforms through, say, legislation, etc. of course, we cannot deny the necessity of the medical approach and we should use it in conjunction with other methods. the answer to the question whether man can survive the three crises of the 20th century, namely, totalitarianism, population and pollution, is in our hands.


  overpopulation is a serious problem in many less developed countries for it brings about unemployment food shortage and retarded economic growth. taiwan is one of the most densely populated areas in the world although its teeming population didn't hamper the economic development in the past three decades it led to cramped living space congested traffic and cutthroat competition in college entrance exams besides our labor-intensive products are losing ground in international competition so family planning seems all the more important to us in taiwan as we know the goal of the family planning introduced by our government is two children or less for each married couple. my idea of attaining this goal is to impose a heavy tax on families which have more than two children from a prescribed date onwards.


  according to some sociologists the most serious problem in the twenty first century will be the population problem because the excess people will create a lot more problems than governments can handle. first the overpopulation will lead to the food problem food will not be enough to feed people and the scramble for food will lead to conflicts and wars second the educational problem will also rise because of the student boom if there are too many students in a class (maybe over seventy or eighty) the teacher will find it difficult to give individual attention to them and devise effective teaching methods. if a child cannot be properly educated at home or school, he is likely to go astray, keep sliding into sin and bring a host of problems to society. the population problem should thus never be overlooked and the first step we should take in solving it is to push ahead steadily with family planning.


  not until i became a high-schooler did i begin to know the importance of family planning. it hap merely because his large yet impoverished family could no longer afford his large yet impoverished family could no longer afford his schooling. though a little sad over what had happened to my friend, i was thus awakened to the importance of family planning. even how, i am still a zealous champion of this program. as i see it, family planning can do us a world of good. first of all, it can reduce the expenditure and at the same time increase the happiness of the family. through family planning, instead of spending most of their time making money to keep a large family going, the parents, less troubled by economic problems, can devote themselves to the care and upbringing of their children and prepare them for their future careers. moreover, the harmonious atmosphere created by family planning will make family members feel secure and thrice blessed. second, family planning can help children become more mature, both mentally and physically. once the children growing up in a small family begin to receive education, they will know how to better behave themselves and do well in school. finally, stronger and more prosperous. there is no denying the fact that the population problem is getting more and more serious in taiwan where the population this state of affairs continues without any remedial measures to fight it, some day the fruit of our economic growth will all be lost as a result of the ever-rising birth rate.

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