关 键 词: 小学五年级 500字
字 数: 500字作文
本文适合: 小学五年级
作文来源: https://zw.liuxue86.com
After last year’s “getting some soy sauce” and “doing push-ups,” Web users in China have found a new catchphrase for 2009: “playing hidden cat,” or what the English-speaking world calls “hide and seek.” (In Chinese, “playing hidden cat” is 躲猫猫, pronounced “duo maomao.”) 继去年风靡一时的“打酱油”和“俯卧撑”之后,步入2009年的中国网民又发现了新的流行词“躲猫猫”。The story behind this new phrase comes from Jinning in southwest China’s Yunnan province, where a 24-year-old prisoner died from a severe brain injury four days after being sent to the hospital. Local police said the brain injury occurred when the prisoner “bumped into a wall after being kicked by another prisoner while playing hidden cat.” (Report in Chinese.) 这个新词背后的故事来自于中国云南省晋宁县;当地一位24岁的犯人脑部严重受伤,入院四天后死亡。当地警方给出的解释是,这位犯人在与狱友玩躲猫猫游戏时,遭到狱友踢打并不小心撞到墙壁,才导致脑部受伤。
“Common sense makes it hard for the public to accept that a healthy young man died from playing a game…A trust-worthy third party must step in and dig out the truth for the public,” reads one online commentary. 一条网上评论写道,常识让公众很难接受一个健康的年轻人会死于玩游戏,必须有令人信服的第三方介入调查,为公众挖出真相。